API Reference


class umongo.instance.Instance(db=None)[source]

Abstract instance class

Instances aims at collecting and implementing umongo.template.Template:

# Doc is a template, cannot use it for the moment
class Doc(DocumentTemplate):

instance = MyFrameworkInstance()
# doc_cls is the instance's implementation of Doc
doc_cls = instance.register(Doc)
# Implementations are registered as attribute into the instance
instance.Doc is doc_cls
# Now we can work with the implementations


Instance registration is divided between umongo.Document and umongo.EmbeddedDocument.


Generate an umongo.template.Implementation from the given umongo.template.Template for this instance.

Parameters:templateumongo.template.Template to implement
Returns:The umongo.template.Implementation generated


This method can be used as a decorator. This is useful when you only have a single instance to work with to directly use the class you defined:

class MyEmbedded(EmbeddedDocument):

class MyDoc(Document):
    emb = fields.EmbeddedField(MyEmbedded)


Retrieve a umongo.document.DocumentImplementation registered into this instance from it name or it template class (i.e. umongo.Document).


Retrieve a umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentImplementation registered into this instance from it name or it template class (i.e. umongo.EmbeddedDocument).


Set the database to use whithin this instance.


The documents registered in the instance cannot be used before this function is called.

class umongo.frameworks.pymongo.PyMongoInstance(db=None)[source]

umongo.instance.Instance implementation for pymongo



Shortcut to DocumentTemplate

alias of umongo.document.DocumentTemplate

class umongo.document.DocumentTemplate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class to define a umongo document.


Once defined, this class must be registered inside a umongo.instance.BaseInstance to obtain it corresponding umongo.document.DocumentImplementation.


You can provide marshmallow tags (e.g. marshmallow.pre_load or marshmallow.post_dump) to this class that will be passed to the marshmallow schema internally used for this document.

class umongo.document.DocumentOpts(instance, template, collection_name=None, abstract=False, indexes=None, is_child=True, strict=True, offspring=None)[source]

Configuration for a document.

Should be passed as a Meta class to the Document

class Doc(Document):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

assert Doc.opts.abstract == True
attribute configurable in Meta description
template no Origine template of the Document
instance no Implementation’s instance
abstract yes Document has no collection and can only be inherited
collection_name yes Name of the collection to store the document into
is_child no Document inherit of a non-abstract document
strict yes Don’t accept unknown fields from mongo (default: True)
indexes yes List of custom indexes
offspring no List of Documents inheriting this one
class umongo.document.DocumentImplementation(**kwargs)[source]

Represent a document once it has been implemented inside a umongo.instance.BaseInstance.


This class should not be used directly, it should be inherited by concrete implementations such as umongo.frameworks.pymongo.PyMongoDocument

classmethod build_from_mongo(data, use_cls=False)[source]

Create a document instance from MongoDB data

  • data – data as retrieved from MongoDB
  • use_cls – if the data contains a _cls field, use it determine the Document class to instanciate

Reset the list of document’s modified items.


Return a copy of this Document as a new Document instance

All fields are deep-copied except the _id field.


Return the collection used by this document class


Return a pymongo DBRef instance related to the document


Dump the document.


Update the document with the MongoDB data

Parameters:data – data as retrieved from MongoDB

Return True if the document has been commited to database


Returns True if and only if the document was modified since last commit.


Return the document’s primary key (i.e. _id in mongo notation) or None if not available yet


Use is_created field instead to test if the document has already been commited to database given _id field could be generated before insertion


Overload this method to get a callback after document deletion. :param ret: Pymongo response sent by the database.


If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous.


Overload this method to get a callback after document insertion. :param ret: Pymongo response sent by the database.


If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous.


Overload this method to get a callback after document update. :param ret: Pymongo response sent by the database.


If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous.


Overload this method to get a callback before document deletion. :return: Additional filters dict that will be used for the query to select the document to update.


If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous.


Overload this method to get a callback before document insertion.


If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous.


Overload this method to get a callback before document update. :return: Additional filters dict that will be used for the query to select the document to update.


If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous.


Return the document as a dict compatible with MongoDB driver.

Parameters:update – if True the return dict should be used as an update payload instead of containing the entire document

Update the document with the given data.



Shortcut to EmbeddedDocumentTemplate

alias of umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentTemplate

class umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentTemplate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class to define a umongo embedded document.


Once defined, this class must be registered inside a umongo.instance.BaseInstance to obtain it corresponding umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentImplementation.

class umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentOpts(instance, template, abstract=False, is_child=False, strict=True, offspring=None)[source]

Configuration for an umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocument.

Should be passed as a Meta class to the EmbeddedDocument

class MyEmbeddedDoc(EmbeddedDocument):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

assert MyEmbeddedDoc.opts.abstract == True
attribute configurable in Meta description
template no Origin template of the embedded document
instance no Implementation’s instance
abstract yes Embedded document can only be inherited
is_child no Embedded document inherit of a non-abstract embedded document
strict yes Don’t accept unknown fields from mongo (default: True)
offspring no List of embedded documents inheriting this one
class umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentImplementation(**kwargs)[source]

Represent an embedded document once it has been implemented inside a umongo.instance.BaseInstance.

classmethod build_from_mongo(data, use_cls=True)[source]

Create an embedded document instance from MongoDB data

  • data – data as retrieved from MongoDB
  • use_cls – if the data contains a _cls field, use it determine the EmbeddedDocument class to instanciate

Reset the list of document’s modified items.


Dump the embedded document.


Update the embedded document with the given data.



Shortcut to MixinDocumentTemplate

alias of umongo.mixin.MixinDocumentTemplate

class umongo.mixin.MixinDocumentTemplate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class to define a umongo mixin document.


Once defined, this class must be registered inside a umongo.instance.BaseInstance to obtain it corresponding umongo.mixin.MixinDocumentImplementation.

class umongo.mixin.MixinDocumentOpts(instance, template)[source]

Configuration for an umongo.mixin.MixinDocument.

attribute configurable in Meta description
template no Origin template of the embedded document
instance no Implementation’s instance
class umongo.mixin.MixinDocumentImplementation[source]

Represent a mixin document once it has been implemented inside a umongo.instance.BaseInstance.


class umongo.abstract.BaseSchema(*args, **kwargs)[source]

All schema used in umongo should inherit from this base schema


alias of BaseMarshmallowSchema


Return a pure-marshmallow version of this schema class


Apply a function to every field in the schema

>>> def func(mongo_path, path, field):
...     pass
class umongo.abstract.BaseField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]

All fields used in umongo should inherit from this base field.

Enabled flags resulting index
<no flags>  
required, allow_none  
required, unique, allow_none unique
unique unique, sparse
unique, required unique
unique, allow_none unique, sparse


Even with allow_none flag, the unique flag will refuse duplicated null value. Consider unsetting the field with del instead.


Return a pure-marshmallow version of this field

default_error_messages = {'unique': 'Field value must be unique.', 'unique_compound': 'Values of fields {fields} must be unique together.'}
class umongo.abstract.BaseValidator(*args, **kwargs)[source]

All validators in umongo should inherit from this base validator.

class umongo.abstract.BaseDataObject[source]

All data objects in umongo should inherit from this base data object.

classmethod build_from_mongo(data)[source]


umongo fields

class umongo.fields.StringField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.UUIDField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.NumberField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.IntegerField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.DecimalField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.BooleanField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.FloatField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.DateTimeField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.NaiveDateTimeField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.AwareDateTimeField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.DateField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]

This field converts a date to a datetime to store it as a BSON Date

class umongo.fields.UrlField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]

alias of umongo.fields.UrlField

class umongo.fields.EmailField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]

alias of umongo.fields.StringField


alias of umongo.fields.BooleanField


alias of umongo.fields.IntegerField

class umongo.fields.DictField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a pure-marshmallow version of this field

class umongo.fields.ListField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a pure-marshmallow version of this field

map_to_field(mongo_path, path, func)[source]

Apply a function to every field in the schema

class umongo.fields.ConstantField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.ObjectIdField(*args, io_validate=None, unique=False, instance=None, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.ReferenceField(document, *args, reference_cls=<class 'umongo.data_objects.Reference'>, **kwargs)[source]

Return the instance’s umongo.embedded_document.DocumentImplementation implementing the document attribute.

class umongo.fields.GenericReferenceField(*args, reference_cls=<class 'umongo.data_objects.Reference'>, **kwargs)[source]
class umongo.fields.EmbeddedField(embedded_document, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a pure-marshmallow version of this field


Return the instance’s umongo.embedded_document.EmbeddedDocumentImplementation implementing the embedded_document attribute.

map_to_field(mongo_path, path, func)[source]

Apply a function to every field in the schema


Data objects

class umongo.data_objects.List(inner_field, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Append object to the end of the list.

clear(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove all items from list.


Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

insert(i, obj)[source]

Insert object before index.

pop(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

reverse(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Stable sort IN PLACE.

class umongo.data_objects.Dict(key_field, value_field, *args, **kwargs)[source]
pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.[source]

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised

popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a[source]

2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(key, obj=None)[source]

Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.

update([E, ]**F) → None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F.[source]

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

class umongo.data_objects.Reference(document_cls, pk)[source]
error_messages = {'not_found': 'Reference not found for document {document}.'}
fetch(no_data=False, force_reload=False)[source]

Retrieve from the database the referenced document

  • no_data – if True, the caller is only interested in whether or not the document is present in database. This means the implementation may not retrieve document’s data to save bandwidth.
  • force_reload – if True, ignore any cached data and reload referenced document from database.

Marshmallow integration

Pure marshmallow fields used in umongo

class umongo.marshmallow_bonus.ObjectId(*, load_default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, missing: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, dump_default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, data_key: Optional[str] = None, attribute: Optional[str] = None, validate: Union[Callable[[Any], Any], Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]], None] = None, required: bool = False, allow_none: Optional[bool] = None, load_only: bool = False, dump_only: bool = False, error_messages: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **additional_metadata)[source]

Marshmallow field for bson.objectid.ObjectId

class umongo.marshmallow_bonus.Reference(*, load_default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, missing: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, dump_default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, data_key: Optional[str] = None, attribute: Optional[str] = None, validate: Union[Callable[[Any], Any], Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]], None] = None, required: bool = False, allow_none: Optional[bool] = None, load_only: bool = False, dump_only: bool = False, error_messages: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **additional_metadata)[source]

Marshmallow field for umongo.fields.ReferenceField

class umongo.marshmallow_bonus.GenericReference(*, load_default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, missing: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, dump_default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, default: Any = <marshmallow.missing>, data_key: Optional[str] = None, attribute: Optional[str] = None, validate: Union[Callable[[Any], Any], Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]], None] = None, required: bool = False, allow_none: Optional[bool] = None, load_only: bool = False, dump_only: bool = False, error_messages: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **additional_metadata)[source]

Marshmallow field for umongo.fields.GenericReferenceField


umongo exceptions

exception umongo.exceptions.AbstractDocumentError[source]

Raised when instantiating an abstract document

exception umongo.exceptions.AlreadyCreatedError[source]

Modifying id of an already created document

exception umongo.exceptions.AlreadyRegisteredDocumentError[source]

Document already registerd

exception umongo.exceptions.DeleteError[source]

Error while deleting document

exception umongo.exceptions.DocumentDefinitionError[source]

Error in document definition

exception umongo.exceptions.NoCompatibleInstanceError[source]

Can’t find instance compatible with database

exception umongo.exceptions.NoDBDefinedError[source]

No database defined

exception umongo.exceptions.NoneReferenceError[source]

Retrieving a None reference

exception umongo.exceptions.NotCreatedError[source]

Document does not exist in database

exception umongo.exceptions.NotRegisteredDocumentError[source]

Document not registered

exception umongo.exceptions.UMongoError[source]

Base umongo error

exception umongo.exceptions.UnknownFieldInDBError[source]

Data from database contains unknown field

exception umongo.exceptions.UpdateError[source]

Error while updating document