Source code for umongo.frameworks.pymongo

import collections
from contextvars import ContextVar
from contextlib import contextmanager

from pymongo.database import Database
from pymongo.cursor import Cursor
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
import marshmallow as ma

from ..builder import BaseBuilder
from ..instance import Instance
from ..document import DocumentImplementation
from ..data_objects import Reference
from ..exceptions import NotCreatedError, UpdateError, DeleteError, NoneReferenceError
from ..fields import ReferenceField, ListField, DictField, EmbeddedField
from ..query_mapper import map_query

from .tools import cook_find_filter, remove_cls_field_from_embedded_docs

SESSION = ContextVar("session", default=None)

# pymongo.Cursor defines __del__ method, hence mongomock's WrappedCursor should
# not inherit from this class otherwise garbage collection will crash...
class BaseWrappedCursor:

    __slots__ = ('raw_cursor', 'document_cls')

    def __init__(self, document_cls, cursor, *args, **kwargs):
        # Such a cunning plan my lord !
        # We inherit from Cursor but don't call its __init__ because
        # we act as a proxy to the underlying raw_cursor
        WrappedCursor.raw_cursor.__set__(self, cursor)
        WrappedCursor.document_cls.__set__(self, document_cls)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self.raw_cursor, name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        return setattr(self.raw_cursor, name, value)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            elems = self.raw_cursor[index]
            return (self.document_cls.build_from_mongo(elem, use_cls=True)
                    for elem in elems)
        elem = self.raw_cursor[index]
        return self.document_cls.build_from_mongo(elem, use_cls=True)

    def __next__(self):
        elem = next(self.raw_cursor)
        return self.document_cls.build_from_mongo(elem, use_cls=True)

    def __iter__(self):
        for elem in self.raw_cursor:
            yield self.document_cls.build_from_mongo(elem, use_cls=True)

class WrappedCursor(BaseWrappedCursor, Cursor):
    __slots__ = ()

class PyMongoDocument(DocumentImplementation):

    __slots__ = ()
    cursor_cls = WrappedCursor  # Easier to customize this for mongomock this way

    opts = DocumentImplementation.opts

    def reload(self):
        Retrieve and replace document's data by the ones in database.

        Raises :class:`umongo.exceptions.NotCreatedError` if the document
        doesn't exist in database.
        if not self.is_created:
            raise NotCreatedError("Document doesn't exists in database")
        ret = self.collection.find_one(, session=SESSION.get())
        if ret is None:
            raise NotCreatedError("Document doesn't exists in database")
        self._data = self.DataProxy()

    def commit(self, io_validate_all=False, conditions=None, replace=False):
        Commit the document in database.
        If the document doesn't already exist it will be inserted, otherwise
        it will be updated.

        :param io_validate_all: Validate all field instead of only changed ones.
        :param conditions: Only perform commit if matching record in db
            satisfies condition(s) (e.g. version number).
            Raises :class:`umongo.exceptions.UpdateError` if the
            conditions are not satisfied.
        :param replace: Replace the document rather than update.
        :return: A :class:`pymongo.results.UpdateResult` or
            :class:`pymongo.results.InsertOneResult` depending of the operation.
            if self.is_created:
                if self.is_modified() or replace:
                    query = conditions or {}
                    query['_id'] =
                    # pre_update can provide additional query filter and/or
                    # modify the fields' values
                    additional_filter = self.pre_update()
                    if additional_filter:
                        query.update(map_query(additional_filter, self.schema.fields))
                    if replace:
                        payload = self._data.to_mongo(update=False)
                        ret = self.collection.replace_one(query, payload, session=SESSION.get())
                        payload = self._data.to_mongo(update=True)
                        ret = self.collection.update_one(query, payload, session=SESSION.get())
                    if ret.matched_count != 1:
                        raise UpdateError(ret)
                    ret = None
            elif conditions:
                raise NotCreatedError(
                    'Document must already exist in database to use `conditions`.'
                payload = self._data.to_mongo(update=False)
                ret = self.collection.insert_one(payload, session=SESSION.get())
                # TODO: check ret ?
                self._data.set(self.pk_field, ret.inserted_id)
                self.is_created = True
        except DuplicateKeyError as exc:
            # Sort value to make testing easier for compound indexes
            keys = sorted(exc.details['keyPattern'].keys())
                fields = [self.schema.fields[k] for k in keys]
            except KeyError:
                # A key in the index is unknwon from umongo
                raise exc
            if len(keys) == 1:
                msg = fields[0].error_messages['unique']
                raise ma.ValidationError({keys[0]: msg})
            raise ma.ValidationError({
                k: f.error_messages['unique_compound'].format(fields=keys)
                for k, f in zip(keys, fields)
        return ret

    def delete(self, conditions=None):
        Remove the document from database.

        :param conditions: Only perform delete if matching record in db
            satisfies condition(s) (e.g. version number).
            Raises :class:`umongo.exceptions.DeleteError` if the
            conditions are not satisfied.
        Raises :class:`umongo.exceptions.NotCreatedError` if the document
        is not created (i.e. ``doc.is_created`` is False)
        Raises :class:`umongo.exceptions.DeleteError` if the document
        doesn't exist in database.

        :return: A :class:`pymongo.results.DeleteResult`
        if not self.is_created:
            raise NotCreatedError("Document doesn't exists in database")
        query = conditions or {}
        query['_id'] =
        # pre_delete can provide additional query filter
        additional_filter = self.pre_delete()
        if additional_filter:
            query.update(map_query(additional_filter, self.schema.fields))
        ret = self.collection.delete_one(query, session=SESSION.get())
        if ret.deleted_count != 1:
            raise DeleteError(ret)
        self.is_created = False
        return ret

    def io_validate(self, validate_all=False):
        Run the io_validators of the document's fields.

        :param validate_all: If False only run the io_validators of the
            fields that have been modified.
        if validate_all:
            _io_validate_data_proxy(self.schema, self._data)
                self.schema, self._data, partial=self._data.get_modified_fields())

    def find_one(cls, filter=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Find a single document in database.
        filter = cook_find_filter(cls, filter)
        ret = cls.collection.find_one(filter, session=SESSION.get(), *args, **kwargs)
        if ret is not None:
            ret = cls.build_from_mongo(ret, use_cls=True)
        return ret

    def find(cls, filter=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Find a list document in database.

        Returns a cursor that provide Documents.
        filter = cook_find_filter(cls, filter)
        raw_cursor = cls.collection.find(filter, session=SESSION.get(), *args, **kwargs)
        return cls.cursor_cls(cls, raw_cursor)

    def count_documents(cls, filter=None, **kwargs):
        Get the number of documents in this collection.

        Unlike pymongo's collection.count_documents, filter is optional and
        defaults to an empty filter.
        filter = cook_find_filter(cls, filter or {})
        return cls.collection.count_documents(filter, session=SESSION.get(), **kwargs)

    def ensure_indexes(cls):
        Check&create if needed the Document's indexes in database
        if cls.indexes:
            cls.collection.create_indexes(cls.indexes, session=SESSION.get())

# Run multiple validators and collect all errors in one
def _run_validators(validators, field, value):
    if not hasattr(validators, '__iter__'):
        validators(field, value)
        errors = []
        for validator in validators:
                validator(field, value)
            except ma.ValidationError as exc:
        if errors:
            raise ma.ValidationError(errors)

def _io_validate_data_proxy(schema, data_proxy, partial=None):
    errors = {}
    for name, field in schema.fields.items():
        if partial and name not in partial:
        value = data_proxy.get(name)
        if value is ma.missing:
            if field.io_validate_recursive:
                field.io_validate_recursive(field, value)
            if field.io_validate:
                _run_validators(field.io_validate, field, value)
        except ma.ValidationError as exc:
            errors[name] = exc.messages
    if errors:
        raise ma.ValidationError(errors)

def _reference_io_validate(field, value):
    if value is None:

def _list_io_validate(field, value):
    if not value:
    errors = {}
    validators = field.inner.io_validate
    if not validators:
    for idx, val in enumerate(value):
            _run_validators(validators, field.inner, val)
        except ma.ValidationError as exc:
            errors[idx] = exc.messages
    if errors:
        raise ma.ValidationError(errors)

def _dict_io_validate(field, value):
    if not value or not field.value_field:
    errors = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    validators = field.value_field.io_validate
    if not validators:
    for key, val in value.items():
            _run_validators(validators, field.value_field, val)
        except ma.ValidationError as exc:
            errors[key]["value"] = exc.messages
    if errors:
        raise ma.ValidationError(errors)

def _embedded_document_io_validate(field, value):
    if not value:
    _io_validate_data_proxy(value.schema, value._data)

class PyMongoReference(Reference):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._document = None

    def fetch(self, no_data=False, force_reload=False):
        if not self._document or force_reload:
            if is None:
                raise NoneReferenceError('Cannot retrieve a None Reference')
            self._document = self.document_cls.find_one(
            if not self._document:
                raise ma.ValidationError(self.error_messages['not_found'].format(
        return self._document

class PyMongoBuilder(BaseBuilder):

    BASE_DOCUMENT_CLS = PyMongoDocument

    def _patch_field(self, field):

        validators = field.io_validate
        if not validators:
            field.io_validate = []
            if hasattr(validators, '__iter__'):
                field.io_validate = list(validators)
                field.io_validate = [validators]
        if isinstance(field, ListField):
            field.io_validate_recursive = _list_io_validate
        if isinstance(field, DictField):
            field.io_validate_recursive = _dict_io_validate
        if isinstance(field, ReferenceField):
            field.reference_cls = PyMongoReference
        if isinstance(field, EmbeddedField):
            field.io_validate_recursive = _embedded_document_io_validate

[docs]class PyMongoInstance(Instance): """ :class:`umongo.instance.Instance` implementation for pymongo """ BUILDER_CLS = PyMongoBuilder @staticmethod def is_compatible_with(db): return isinstance(db, Database) @contextmanager def session(self): with self.db.client.start_session() as session: try: token = SESSION.set(session) yield session finally: SESSION.reset(token)
class PyMongoMigrationInstance(PyMongoInstance): """PyMongo instance with migration features""" def migrate_2_to_3(self): """Migrate database from umongo 2 to umongo 3 - EmbeddedDocument _cls field is only set if child of concrete embedded document """ concrete_not_children = [ name for name, ed in self._embedded_lookup.items() if not ed.opts.is_child and not ed.opts.abstract ] for doc_cls in self._doc_lookup.values(): if doc_cls.opts.abstract: continue if doc_cls.opts.is_child: continue for doc in doc_cls.collection.find(): doc = remove_cls_field_from_embedded_docs(doc, concrete_not_children) ret = doc_cls.collection.replace_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, doc) if ret.matched_count != 1: raise UpdateError(ret)