Source code for umongo.document

"""umongo Document"""
from copy import deepcopy

from bson import DBRef
import marshmallow as ma
from marshmallow import (
    pre_load, post_load, pre_dump, post_dump, validates_schema,  # republishing

from .exceptions import (
    AlreadyCreatedError, NotCreatedError, NoDBDefinedError, AbstractDocumentError
from .template import Template, MetaImplementation
from .embedded_document import EmbeddedDocumentImplementation
from .data_objects import Reference
from .indexes import parse_index

__all__ = (

[docs]class DocumentTemplate(Template): """ Base class to define a umongo document. .. note:: Once defined, this class must be registered inside a :class:`umongo.instance.BaseInstance` to obtain it corresponding :class:`umongo.document.DocumentImplementation`. .. note:: You can provide marshmallow tags (e.g. `marshmallow.pre_load` or `marshmallow.post_dump`) to this class that will be passed to the marshmallow schema internally used for this document. """
Document = DocumentTemplate "Shortcut to DocumentTemplate"
[docs]class DocumentOpts: """ Configuration for a document. Should be passed as a Meta class to the :class:`Document` .. code-block:: python @instance.register class Doc(Document): class Meta: abstract = True assert Doc.opts.abstract == True ==================== ====================== =========== attribute configurable in Meta description ==================== ====================== =========== template no Origine template of the Document instance no Implementation's instance abstract yes Document has no collection and can only be inherited collection_name yes Name of the collection to store the document into is_child no Document inherit of a non-abstract document strict yes Don't accept unknown fields from mongo (default: True) indexes yes List of custom indexes offspring no List of Documents inheriting this one ==================== ====================== =========== """ def __repr__(self): return ('<{ClassName}(' 'instance={self.instance}, ' 'template={self.template}, ' 'abstract={self.abstract}, ' 'collection_name={self.collection_name}, ' 'is_child={self.is_child}, ' 'strict={self.strict}, ' 'indexes={self.indexes}, ' 'offspring={self.offspring})>' .format(ClassName=self.__class__.__name__, self=self)) def __init__(self, instance, template, collection_name=None, abstract=False, indexes=None, is_child=True, strict=True, offspring=None): self.instance = instance self.template = template self.collection_name = collection_name if not abstract else None self.abstract = abstract self.indexes = indexes or [] self.is_child = is_child self.strict = strict self.offspring = set(offspring) if offspring else set()
class MetaDocumentImplementation(MetaImplementation): def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): cls._indexes = None @property def collection(cls): """ Return the collection used by this document class """ if cls.opts.abstract: raise NoDBDefinedError('Abstract document has no collection') if cls.opts.instance.db is None: raise NoDBDefinedError('Instance must be initialized first') return cls.opts.instance.db[cls.opts.collection_name] @property def indexes(cls): """ Retrieve all indexes (custom defined in meta class, by inheritances and unique attributes in fields) """ if cls._indexes is None: idxs = [] is_child = cls.opts.is_child # First collect parent indexes (including inherited field's unique indexes) for base in cls.mro(): if ( base is not cls and issubclass(base, DocumentImplementation) and # Skip base framework doc classes hasattr(base, "schema") ): idxs += base.indexes # Then get our own custom indexes if hasattr(cls, "Meta") and hasattr(cls.Meta, "indexes"): custom_indexes = [ parse_index(x, base_compound_field="_cls" if is_child else None) for x in cls.Meta.indexes ] idxs += custom_indexes # Add _cls to indexes if is_child: idxs.append(parse_index('_cls')) # Finally parse our own fields (i.e. not inherited) for unique indexes def parse_field(mongo_path, path, field): if field.unique: index = {'unique': True, 'key': [mongo_path]} if not field.required or field.allow_none: index['sparse'] = True if is_child: index['key'].append('_cls') idxs.append(parse_index(index)) for name, field in cls.schema.fields.items(): parse_field(name or field.attribute, name, field) if hasattr(field, 'map_to_field'): field.map_to_field(name or field.attribute, name, parse_field) cls._indexes = idxs return cls._indexes
[docs]class DocumentImplementation( EmbeddedDocumentImplementation, metaclass=MetaDocumentImplementation ): """ Represent a document once it has been implemented inside a :class:`umongo.instance.BaseInstance`. .. note:: This class should not be used directly, it should be inherited by concrete implementations such as :class:`umongo.frameworks.pymongo.PyMongoDocument` """ __slots__ = ('is_created', '_data') opts = DocumentOpts(None, DocumentTemplate, abstract=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if self.opts.abstract: raise AbstractDocumentError("Cannot instantiate an abstract Document") self.is_created = False "Return True if the document has been commited to database" # is_created's docstring super().__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return '<object Document %s.%s(%s)>' % ( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, dict(self._data.items())) def __eq__(self, other): if is None: return self is other if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and is not None: return == if isinstance(other, DBRef): return other.collection == and == if isinstance(other, Reference): return isinstance(self, other.document_cls) and == return NotImplemented
[docs] def clone(self): """Return a copy of this Document as a new Document instance All fields are deep-copied except the _id field. """ new = self.__class__() data = deepcopy(self._data._data) # Replace ID with new ID ("missing" unless a default value is provided) data['_id'] = new._data._data['_id'] new._data._data = data new._data._modified_data = set(data.keys()) return new
@property def collection(self): """ Return the collection used by this document class """ # Cannot implicitly access to the class's property return type(self).collection @property def pk(self): """ Return the document's primary key (i.e. ``_id`` in mongo notation) or None if not available yet .. warning:: Use ``is_created`` field instead to test if the document has already been commited to database given ``_id`` field could be generated before insertion """ value = self._data.get(self.pk_field) return value if value is not ma.missing else None @property def dbref(self): """ Return a pymongo DBRef instance related to the document """ if not self.is_created: raise NotCreatedError('Must create the document before' ' having access to DBRef') return DBRef(,
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_mongo(cls, data, use_cls=False): """ Create a document instance from MongoDB data :param data: data as retrieved from MongoDB :param use_cls: if the data contains a ``_cls`` field, use it determine the Document class to instanciate """ # If a _cls is specified, we have to use this document class if use_cls and '_cls' in data: cls = cls.opts.instance.retrieve_document(data['_cls']) doc = cls() doc.from_mongo(data) return doc
[docs] def from_mongo(self, data): """ Update the document with the MongoDB data :param data: data as retrieved from MongoDB """ self._data.from_mongo(data) self.is_created = True
[docs] def to_mongo(self, update=False): """ Return the document as a dict compatible with MongoDB driver. :param update: if True the return dict should be used as an update payload instead of containing the entire document """ if update and not self.is_created: raise NotCreatedError('Must create the document before using update') return self._data.to_mongo(update=update)
[docs] def update(self, data): """Update the document with the given data.""" if self.is_created and self.pk_field in data.keys(): raise AlreadyCreatedError("Can't modify id of a created document") self._data.update(data)
[docs] def dump(self): """ Dump the document. """ return self._data.dump()
[docs] def is_modified(self): """ Returns True if and only if the document was modified since last commit. """ return not self.is_created or self._data.is_modified()
# Data-proxy accessor shortcuts def __setitem__(self, name, value): if self.is_created and name == self.pk_field: raise AlreadyCreatedError("Can't modify id of a created document") super().__setitem__(name, value) def __delitem__(self, name): if self.is_created and name == self.pk_field: raise AlreadyCreatedError("Can't modify id of a created document") super().__delitem__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self._fields: if self.is_created and name == self.pk_field: raise AlreadyCreatedError("Can't modify id of a created document") self._data.set(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): if name in self._fields: if self.is_created and name == self.pk_field: raise AlreadyCreatedError("Can't modify pk of a created document") self._data.delete(name) else: super().__delattr__(name) # Callbacks
[docs] def pre_insert(self): """ Overload this method to get a callback before document insertion. .. note:: If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous. """
[docs] def pre_update(self): """ Overload this method to get a callback before document update. :return: Additional filters dict that will be used for the query to select the document to update. .. note:: If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous. """
[docs] def pre_delete(self): """ Overload this method to get a callback before document deletion. :return: Additional filters dict that will be used for the query to select the document to update. .. note:: If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous. """
[docs] def post_insert(self, ret): """ Overload this method to get a callback after document insertion. :param ret: Pymongo response sent by the database. .. note:: If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous. """
[docs] def post_update(self, ret): """ Overload this method to get a callback after document update. :param ret: Pymongo response sent by the database. .. note:: If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous. """
[docs] def post_delete(self, ret): """ Overload this method to get a callback after document deletion. :param ret: Pymongo response sent by the database. .. note:: If you use an async driver, this callback can be asynchronous. """