Source code for umongo.meta

from marshmallow.fields import Field

from .registerer import register_document
from .exceptions import NoCollectionDefinedError, DocumentDefinitionError
from .schema import Schema, EmbeddedSchema, on_need_add_id_field
from .abstract import AbstractDal
from .indexes import parse_index

def _is_child(bases):
    """Find if the given inheritance leeds to a child document (i.e.
    a document that shares the same collection with a parent)
    return bool([b for b in bases if not b.opts.abstract])

def _collect_fields(nmspc):
    """Split dict between fields and non-fields elements"""
    schema_nmspc = {}
    doc_nmspc = {}
    for key, item in nmspc.items():
        if isinstance(item, Field):
            schema_nmspc[key] = item
            doc_nmspc[key] = item
    return doc_nmspc, schema_nmspc

def _collect_indexes(nmspc, bases):
    """Retrieve all indexes (custom defined in meta class, by inheritances
    and unique attribut in fields)
    meta = nmspc.get('Meta')
    indexes = []
    is_child = _is_child(bases)

    # First collect parent indexes (including inherited field's unique indexes)
    for base in bases:
        indexes += base.opts.indexes

    # Then get our own custom indexes
    if is_child:
        custom_indexes = [parse_index(x, base_compound_field='_cls')
                   for x in getattr(meta, 'indexes', ())]
        custom_indexes = [parse_index(x) for x in getattr(meta, 'indexes', ())]
    indexes += custom_indexes

    if is_child:

    # Finally parse our own fields (i.e. not inherited) for unique indexes
    def parse_field(mongo_path, path, field):
        if field.unique:
            index = {'unique': True, 'key': [mongo_path]}
            if not field.required or field.allow_none:
                index['sparse'] = True
            if is_child:

    for name, field in _collect_fields(nmspc)[1].items():
        parse_field(name or field.attribute, name, field)
        if hasattr(field, 'map_to_field'):
            field.map_to_field(name or field.attribute, name, parse_field)

    return indexes, custom_indexes

[docs]class DocumentOpts: def __repr__(self): return ('<{ClassName}(' 'abstract={self.abstract}, ' 'allow_inheritance={self.allow_inheritance}, ' 'is_child={self.is_child}, ' 'base_schema_cls={self.base_schema_cls}, ' 'indexes={self.indexes}, ' 'custom_indexes={self.custom_indexes}, ' 'collection={self.collection}, ' 'lazy_collection={self.lazy_collection}, ' 'dal={self.dal}, ' 'children={self.children})>' .format(ClassName=self.__class__.__name__, self=self)) def __init__(self, name, nmspc, bases): meta = nmspc.get('Meta') self.abstract = getattr(meta, 'abstract', False) self.allow_inheritance = getattr(meta, 'allow_inheritance', self.abstract) self.register_document = getattr(meta, 'register_document', True) for field in ('collection', 'lazy_collection', 'dal'): setattr(self, field, getattr(meta, field, None)) self.base_schema_cls = getattr(meta, 'base_schema_cls', Schema) self.indexes, self.custom_indexes = _collect_indexes(nmspc, bases) self.is_child = _is_child(bases) self.children = set() if self.abstract and not self.allow_inheritance: raise DocumentDefinitionError("Abstract document cannot disable inheritance") # Handle option inheritance and integrity checks for base in bases: popts = base.opts # Notify the parent of it newborn ! popts.children.add(name) if not popts.allow_inheritance: raise DocumentDefinitionError("Document %r doesn't allow inheritance" % base) if self.abstract and not popts.abstract: raise DocumentDefinitionError( "Abstract document should have all it parents abstract") # Retrieve collection related stuff by inheritance for field in ('collection', 'lazy_collection', 'dal'): candidate = getattr(popts, field) curr = getattr(self, field) if candidate: if curr: raise DocumentDefinitionError( "%s cannot be defined multiple times (got `%s` and `%s`)" % (field, curr, candidate)) else: setattr(self, field, candidate) # Handle collection & dal configuration if self.abstract: not_allowed = [f for f in ('collection', 'lazy_collection', 'dal') if getattr(self, f)] if not_allowed: raise DocumentDefinitionError("Fields %s are not allowed in abstract document") elif self.collection: if self.lazy_collection: raise NoCollectionDefinedError("Cannot define at the same" " time `collection` and `lazy_collection`") if not self.dal: # Try to determine dal from the collection itself from .dal import find_dal_from_collection self.dal = find_dal_from_collection(self.collection) if not self.dal: raise NoCollectionDefinedError( "No DAL available for collection %s" % self.collection) elif self.lazy_collection: if not self.dal: self.dal = self.lazy_collection.dal if self.dal and not issubclass(self.dal, AbstractDal): raise NoCollectionDefinedError( "`dal` attribute must be a subclass of %s" % AbstractDal)
def _base_meta_document(name, bases, nmspc, auto_id_field=False, base_schema_cls=Schema): # Retrieve inherited schema classes schema_bases = tuple([getattr(base, 'Schema') for base in bases if hasattr(base, 'Schema')]) if not schema_bases: schema_bases = (base_schema_cls,) doc_nmspc, schema_nmspc = _collect_fields(nmspc) if auto_id_field: on_need_add_id_field(schema_nmspc) # Need to create a custom Schema class to use the provided fields schema_cls = type('%sSchema' % name, schema_bases, schema_nmspc) doc_nmspc['Schema'] = schema_cls doc_nmspc['schema'] = schema_cls() return name, bases, doc_nmspc class MetaEmbeddedDocument(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, nmspc): name, bases, nmspc = _base_meta_document( name, bases, nmspc, base_schema_cls=EmbeddedSchema) gen_cls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, nmspc) return gen_cls class MetaDocument(type): BASE_DOCUMENT_CLS = None def __new__(cls, name, bases, nmspc): # Root Document class has a special handling if not cls.BASE_DOCUMENT_CLS: cls.BASE_DOCUMENT_CLS = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, nmspc) return cls.BASE_DOCUMENT_CLS # Generic handling (i.e. for all other documents) assert '_cls' not in nmspc, '`_cls` is a reserved attribute' # Generate options from the Meta class and inheritance opts = DocumentOpts(name, nmspc, bases) # If Document is a child, _cls field must be added to the schema if opts.is_child: from .fields import StrField nmspc['cls'] = StrField(dump_only=True, missing=name, attribute='_cls') # Extract fields and generate the schema name, bases, nmspc = _base_meta_document( name, bases, nmspc, auto_id_field=True, base_schema_cls=opts.base_schema_cls) # Don't alter nmspc before defining schema to avoid shadowing fields nmspc['opts'] = opts nmspc['_collection'] = None # Non-abstract document inherit a dal to implement driver-related stuff if opts.dal: bases = bases + (opts.dal, ) # Patch the schema to add the io_validate stuff opts.dal.io_validate_patch_schema(nmspc['schema']) # Finally create the Document class and register it gen_cls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, nmspc) if opts.register_document: register_document(gen_cls) return gen_cls @property def collection(self): # This is defined inside the metaclass to give property # access to the generated class if not self._collection: self._collection = self.opts.collection if not self._collection: lazy_collection = self.opts.lazy_collection if not lazy_collection: raise NoCollectionDefinedError("No collection nor lazy_collection defined") self._collection = lazy_collection.load() if not self._collection: raise NoCollectionDefinedError("lazy_collection didn't returned a collection") return self._collection